Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 37 and counting...

I tend to workout at night now, after my boyfriend has gone home to go to sleep and things have settled down a bit at my house. I have skipped about 4 or 5 days, admittedly, only one of those days was because I wasn't feeling well. The others were just pure laziness. I have found support on Facebook with an awesome group of guys and gals. If you are reading this and struggling with your P90X workout, go to that page on FB - P90X Support Group. They're awesome. My other help comes from looking at pictures of people doing Beachbody workouts on Facebook. I mean, their results are keeping me coming back to the DVD player day after day to push play and BRING IT! The fact that my clothes are fitting looser and I am fitting in my old clothes that had gotten too small are also big helps. Staying away from food....Ah food. I love you so, but you are just so bad for me!!! I wish that I could say that I've been following the Nutrition Plan to a tee, but I haven't. I have cheated waaaaay too much. But, all I can do is take it one day at a time, and see my body as a machine that needs fuel. Keep feeding the machine the preferred octane and stop trying to feed it that awful junk!

That's all for now.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Many days later in Phase 2 of P90X

So, I have stopped writing for awhile because no one follows my site, that I know of. But, have I stopped working out? No sir! I have missed 4 days thus far. Truth be told, 3 of those days were from lack of planning on my part - as in, it is the end of the day, I'm really tired, so I'm not gonna workout. I have also had some setbacks as far as my eating goes. Little things here and there. What can I say? That food is breaking down my willpower. That is why I went out and got some more healthy snacks - to keep me away from the cakes and cookies of the world.

Here is what has happened since we have last "met." I've passed from phase 1 of my workout into phase 2...every 30 days is a new phase. Tomorrow will be day four of my Second Phase. I am like the equivalent of a caterpillar. It is in the third phase where I will emerge as a bee-yoo-ti-ful butterfly. Yes, watch me fly away with all my muscles on display for the world to see. Ha ha!

I have lost 5 lbs. and an 1 - 1.5 inches everywhere except my arms. Only half an inch there. Still, everything is starting to look like muscles are forming underneath the "goo."

That's it for now -ta ta!