Sunday, July 24, 2011


Lately, I've been trying to listen to a lot of different music.  Music that is all the same genre, approximately, but that I've not heard before.  The Pandora Radio app has really helped me to do that.  I look up one person that I happen to find on YouTube - a band called Bryce Avenue, and the app finds all kinds of other artists that are similar.  I'm loving it!  Admittedly, there are quite a few artists there that I have already listened to: Jason Mraz, Dashboard Confessional, and Jack Johnson to name a few but there a bunch of others that I've never heard of.  There's something you need to know about me: I tend to be a bit grouchy, far too often.  Give me some decent music to listen to and...something about music and the Savage Kate. 

A few years back, the place I work, changed the music they play from lutes and acoustical guitars (no drums, no singing) to stuff from the 50's on up to today's contemporary music.  I have to say that it made my work-life a lot more bearable.   I can't believe what an affect music has!  Seriously, even the customers and other workers are more happy when a good song is playing. 

So for a healthier, happier you, listen to some music you like!  Listen when you're stuck in traffic, when you're cleaning, exercising, working, chillin', makes the world go 'round, man!  Have a great, music-filled day.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sometimes Ibuprofen Doesn't Cut It

It's about 3:30 AM and I'm awake because of two things, or one thing that caused two problems: I exercised at 11 PM and my back hurts. My back hurts not because I exercised - although the plyometric jumping didn't help - but because I exercised with old tennis shoes. The life of a tennis shoe with a person that exercises 6X a week is very short. I want to get Shox by Nike but those suckers are more than I want to spend on a shoe that will probably last me about 6 months. So hey, if anyone wants to get me a discount, that'd be pretty sweet. I thank you in advance.

Back to my problem, which is actually pretty small. I mean, I have my health, and I'm getting healthier all the time, and I have a good life here in this small town called Middle-of-Nowhereville. If you ever get a chance, look us up. I think we only just made it onto maps (some of them still no) about 7 years ago. I can travel 2 hours North or South and no one has heard of this place. They've heard of the larger city about 10 miles from here, but not here. I have a job as a cashier in a place that shall remain nameless because I signed a contract saying I would never talk about the place where I work or the people that work there. You'd think I work in the FBI or something. We sell arts and craft items. How serious are we supposed to be? I think it should be a fun, easy-going place to work. Guess what? I love my co-workers, but all the rules corporate places on our heads makes work a drag. I have a job at a store, but my career, my passion, the reason I write this blog, is coaching for Beachbody. Beachbody is a fitness company that makes the P90X, Insanity, and TurboFire workout DVD's - along with many others most people don't know about. They also make everything that a person could need for those workouts - exercise equipment (pull-up bars, yoga mats, dumbells, etc.) and the supplements a person needs for their body to preform at their best. Where do I come in? I recommend those products to people and when they buy them from me, I help them out by keeping them accountable. No one has to buy something from me. I help people out for free too.

I'm not wearing my glasses and the screen keeps blurring up on me because I'm getting tired. The rest of this blog must be cut short. I had about 8 pages worth of material I was going to share but - no, no don't cry. You know that's not true. I could put on my glasses and continue on if that were the case. I would bore myself if I prattled on for that long! About the Ibuprofen I mentioned in the title. I took it about an hour ago and it isn't working. I need to find a better way to get rid of my pain like massage rollers or stretching (oh, I mentioned stretching in my last post! I'm good) because this Ibuprofen doesn't do anything for me. Please don't tell me about Tylenol, Aleve, or Excedrin because those don't really work for me either. Maybe I should switch to Morphine...or not.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Stretching and Coffee

I am not a morning person. I've tried to be. I've tried to get up and sing songs as a bird fluttered to my aide and deer helped me wash the dishes. No, seriously. I've tried to get up at a reasonable hour, eat breakfast, exercise, and be productive right out the gate. Here's the problem: I am not coordinated in the morning. I feel incredibly off as I try to go through the TurboFire moves with Chalene. I end up not giving it my all and feeling exhausted instead of invigorated when I'm done. I'm not cheery. I mostly grunt my way through morning conversations and on the days when I have to work in the morning, it isn't pretty. My vacant stare does nothing to entice customers to buy more (I work at an art supply store) and I have gotten a comment or two of said customers telling me to smile. I would be pissed, if I cared enough to. No, most days I stumble out of bed at 10:30-11:00AM and wonder if I should have coffee now or later. I also stretch a lot without even thinking about it.

Why have I told you about all this? Because, as a person that helps others with their fitness, and working on mine as well, I have heard from many people that working out in the morning is best. It helps with mood, stress, giving a person energy to get through the day, and many other things that I can't think of. I have also learned that the best time to "work the business" is first thing in the morning. I have friends that get up at 4 and 5 AM to do all their business/exercise related tasks before continuing on with other things like their 9-5 job. That's great that this habit works for them. However, for someone that doesn't function on nearly the same level in the morning, it does not make sense to do those tasks so early. I exercise around 3-5 PM, sometimes later. I get my business tasks done anywhere from 1 PM to well ... now. I say as long as you are doing your best at those times, don't let anyone tell you when to do your work. So long as it is possible - like telling your dentist you will see him at 7PM. You must do things when you can do them well. However, I do not believe that a person should put off their To-Do-List items until the next day. That kind of procrastination is not good. That leads to not doing things at all. Have a schedule for when you will do things (yes, I admit I am guilty of not following my own advice here - I don't have a schedule) and stick to it. Don't let others tell you that those things must be done at a certain time though. Night owls function best at night. Hoot hoot.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back in the Game!

It's been a long time since I've blogged. I've finished P90X, done a bunch of Turbo Jam workouts and am now on my second day of TurboFire. You may not know what those are. P90X is 12 intense workout DVDs that use muscle confusion so the person exercising never plateaus with their weight loss/muscle gain. Turbo Jam is about 6 cardio and strength training workouts that are based on the Turbo Kick class - kind of dancey, punches, kicking..lots of fun. TurboFire? To use their words it is "Intense Cardio Conditioning." The TurboFire HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts are short, but powerful! You continue burning calories even after the workout is over! Hells yeah! The good thing is those workouts are not done two days in a row. Chalene (the trainer) knows what she is doing and knows the body needs a day to rest - sure you still workout, and it is still hard, but not fall over dead hard like the HIIT workouts are.

I've also still been working on coaching people - helping other people to keep accountable to their Beachbody workouts (the company that makes P90X, Turbo Jam, etc.) and cheering them on along the way and getting other people to join me in my coaching quest. Not an easy thing to do since people are afraid that I'm trying to trick them into something they a) can't back out of and b) will end up losing a ton of time on money on it. The thing is, that can't happen! When somebody buys a workout program I recommend, they can return it within 30 days for a full refund. When somebody decides to become a coach, it doesn't cost that much and whoever it is can back out so easily. Coaching doesn't take that much time either. Okay, I'm probably boring the heck out of you.

Here's my short term goal: I will lose 10 lbs this month. Just you wait and see - it'll happen. I've lost 21 so far. I've also kept to another one of my goals - or I will soon enough. I have stayed with this company for an entire year. I think I've found my workout! I love TurboFire.

Right now though, I'm watching Castle and trying to figure out SocialOomph. Wish me luck on the latter!
