Monday, January 3, 2011

Back in the Game!

It's been a long time since I've blogged. I've finished P90X, done a bunch of Turbo Jam workouts and am now on my second day of TurboFire. You may not know what those are. P90X is 12 intense workout DVDs that use muscle confusion so the person exercising never plateaus with their weight loss/muscle gain. Turbo Jam is about 6 cardio and strength training workouts that are based on the Turbo Kick class - kind of dancey, punches, kicking..lots of fun. TurboFire? To use their words it is "Intense Cardio Conditioning." The TurboFire HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts are short, but powerful! You continue burning calories even after the workout is over! Hells yeah! The good thing is those workouts are not done two days in a row. Chalene (the trainer) knows what she is doing and knows the body needs a day to rest - sure you still workout, and it is still hard, but not fall over dead hard like the HIIT workouts are.

I've also still been working on coaching people - helping other people to keep accountable to their Beachbody workouts (the company that makes P90X, Turbo Jam, etc.) and cheering them on along the way and getting other people to join me in my coaching quest. Not an easy thing to do since people are afraid that I'm trying to trick them into something they a) can't back out of and b) will end up losing a ton of time on money on it. The thing is, that can't happen! When somebody buys a workout program I recommend, they can return it within 30 days for a full refund. When somebody decides to become a coach, it doesn't cost that much and whoever it is can back out so easily. Coaching doesn't take that much time either. Okay, I'm probably boring the heck out of you.

Here's my short term goal: I will lose 10 lbs this month. Just you wait and see - it'll happen. I've lost 21 so far. I've also kept to another one of my goals - or I will soon enough. I have stayed with this company for an entire year. I think I've found my workout! I love TurboFire.

Right now though, I'm watching Castle and trying to figure out SocialOomph. Wish me luck on the latter!


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