Thursday, July 7, 2011

Stretching and Coffee

I am not a morning person. I've tried to be. I've tried to get up and sing songs as a bird fluttered to my aide and deer helped me wash the dishes. No, seriously. I've tried to get up at a reasonable hour, eat breakfast, exercise, and be productive right out the gate. Here's the problem: I am not coordinated in the morning. I feel incredibly off as I try to go through the TurboFire moves with Chalene. I end up not giving it my all and feeling exhausted instead of invigorated when I'm done. I'm not cheery. I mostly grunt my way through morning conversations and on the days when I have to work in the morning, it isn't pretty. My vacant stare does nothing to entice customers to buy more (I work at an art supply store) and I have gotten a comment or two of said customers telling me to smile. I would be pissed, if I cared enough to. No, most days I stumble out of bed at 10:30-11:00AM and wonder if I should have coffee now or later. I also stretch a lot without even thinking about it.

Why have I told you about all this? Because, as a person that helps others with their fitness, and working on mine as well, I have heard from many people that working out in the morning is best. It helps with mood, stress, giving a person energy to get through the day, and many other things that I can't think of. I have also learned that the best time to "work the business" is first thing in the morning. I have friends that get up at 4 and 5 AM to do all their business/exercise related tasks before continuing on with other things like their 9-5 job. That's great that this habit works for them. However, for someone that doesn't function on nearly the same level in the morning, it does not make sense to do those tasks so early. I exercise around 3-5 PM, sometimes later. I get my business tasks done anywhere from 1 PM to well ... now. I say as long as you are doing your best at those times, don't let anyone tell you when to do your work. So long as it is possible - like telling your dentist you will see him at 7PM. You must do things when you can do them well. However, I do not believe that a person should put off their To-Do-List items until the next day. That kind of procrastination is not good. That leads to not doing things at all. Have a schedule for when you will do things (yes, I admit I am guilty of not following my own advice here - I don't have a schedule) and stick to it. Don't let others tell you that those things must be done at a certain time though. Night owls function best at night. Hoot hoot.

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