Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 37 and counting...

I tend to workout at night now, after my boyfriend has gone home to go to sleep and things have settled down a bit at my house. I have skipped about 4 or 5 days, admittedly, only one of those days was because I wasn't feeling well. The others were just pure laziness. I have found support on Facebook with an awesome group of guys and gals. If you are reading this and struggling with your P90X workout, go to that page on FB - P90X Support Group. They're awesome. My other help comes from looking at pictures of people doing Beachbody workouts on Facebook. I mean, their results are keeping me coming back to the DVD player day after day to push play and BRING IT! The fact that my clothes are fitting looser and I am fitting in my old clothes that had gotten too small are also big helps. Staying away from food....Ah food. I love you so, but you are just so bad for me!!! I wish that I could say that I've been following the Nutrition Plan to a tee, but I haven't. I have cheated waaaaay too much. But, all I can do is take it one day at a time, and see my body as a machine that needs fuel. Keep feeding the machine the preferred octane and stop trying to feed it that awful junk!

That's all for now.

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