Tuesday, February 2, 2010

P90X, day 2

Today's workout was with P90X's Cardio DVD. At first I thought it was easier then yesterdays. I was wrong. I got to about 12 minutes before the end of the DVD and thought I should just skip to the cool down. But then, I decided to push through it, and do a modified version which I did. Believe me, I did. Yesterday, I was a little apprehensive because I didn't really feel the pain in my stomach muscles. Ah, but today, when I started working out, I felt it. I felt it big time all down my side stomach area and across the front.

I decided to not drink as much water during the workout as I did yesterday and that helped a lot. Yesterday I could feel that water sloshing around, not good.

You know, I already deviated from my schedule. I was supposed to workout every day at 10Am. I ended up working out around 3 today, but I still did it, so that's the main thing.

I don't remember if I posted this yesterday, but the P90X system comes with a nutrition plan so yesterday I had one of the recipes for breakfast. It was for a white egg omelet with mushrooms. If was very good, but it called for 10 egg whites! Why so many? That's crazy. I had half that and still felt full when I was done.

The hardest thing for me is going to be eating right. The rest of my family doesn't know the meaning of "no snacks." We have cookies and pie...I just keep my goals in mind and that sustains me. I am okay with having snacks, actually the program encourages the three meals and two snacks. Pie and cookies are not part of it though. I got some protein bars and I have apples. I need to get other stuff, but I don't have the money for it right now. I have a job that pays just over minimum wage and I don't even work part time.

That's it for now!

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