Wednesday, February 10, 2010

P90X, Week 2, Days 2&3

Yesterday, I did some serious bonking. That is when you work out and end up crashing during the workout. I tried to go at full strength, but I went mild strength at best. I grabbed a teaspoon of peanut butter, but I still had to press the pause button several times.

After I did my workout, I showered and went to work. I didn't get back until 10:20PM. Then, I could not sleep! Not that different from other nights - I have a hard time sleeping most every night, but last night I didn't get to sleep until 5AM. It messed up my whole day today.

On to today - I am skipping my workout today. I am in so much pain right now from cramps. Sorry to let anyone know that who isn't prepared to know such things. You do need to know this though - every woman gets their period and a lot of women get cramps. I'm going to let you in on what they feel like. They feel like someone is twisting your intestines. Sometimes the pain goes all they way down your legs to your knees and around the lower back. To say the least it is something that is very hard to ignore.

Anyway, my plan is to take some Ibuprofen and work out anyway. I feel extreme amounts of guilt for not doing this today! You have no idea. I don't even know if anyone will ever read these, but I feel accountable for every unhealthy habit I have now - not exercising, eating junk have so many people knowing what I am doing from day to day (at least 10, I think, even though it's no one from this blog) puts some pressure on me to "do better." Actually, to do my best. I'm actually living like I have those 10 people watching me all the time and cheering me on when I do the right things. I don't know if that's crazy or good but, it's how I roll. Does anyone else have an imaginary audience? I'm even typing right now like I have an imaginary audience. But, I don't. There's a kind of freedom with that. I could write and old cheer I had in Key Club and no one would be the wiser, "Cali-Nev-Ha! Cali-Nev-Ha! A buggah buggah buggah, HA HA HA!!"

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